New security system at the house. It has a camera. A web camera. I can supposedly log in and view what's going on in my house from remote locations. Yeah right. I can supposedly send email from my cell phone too,,but you see that happening? Ok,,the upside to this whole camera thing,,I can come home and review what all has gone on in my house while I was gone. What I learned? The dogs do not come upstairs at all if I'm not here. The downside to this camera? It's always on,,got busted doing yoga,,lovely. Not exactly what you want to hear when you've just stretched your legs up and placed both feet behind your head. Friend bleeps in and says,,,Hey,,nice move. Great. Gotta be a way to shut that camera off. Gotta be.
Capricious Vicissitude
No regrets. The rebuilding of "the other woman".
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